2013 WOMEX Label Award Winners: Best Independent World Music Label
Riverboat Records celebrates it twenty-fifth year in 2014. Since its founding in 1989, the independent label has supported creative new music from far-flung corners of the globe.
This limited edition compendium offers a taste of the excellently eclectic Riverboat sounds from across the years.
Music From The Source includes music from thirty-three bands spanning across two bumper discs. Spotlighted artists include Greek folk duo Kristi Stassinopoulou &;amp Stathis Kalyviotis who kick off proceedings with a track from their album Greekadelia which reached number one in the World Music Charts Europe. Monoswezi's haunting minimalist sound fuses the music of Mozambique, Norway, Sweden and Zimbabwe together in seamless interplay. Indian slide-guitar maestro Debashish Bhattacharya expands his otherworldly sound Beyond The Ragasphere on virtuosic yet quirky track 'Indospaniola'. Jaipur Kawa Brass Band's bombastic party music presents an infectious exploration of Indian military music spun together with refigured Bollywood classics. Lesotho-based 'junk funk' renegades Sotho Sounds craft their own instruments as heard on 'Ba Ea Bojoa (Part 1)'.
Lala Njava's offering is a Malagasy marvel featuring her silvery wandering voice, lush rolling guitars and rippling percussion. Nigerien nomad bluesmen Etran Finatawa contribute their Wodaabe-Tuareg musical melt. Shiyani Ngcobo acoustic guitar picking illuminates his mastery of the wonderful Zulu maskandadance style. Boris Kovač &;amp La Campanella's melody 'Pearl' aches with their distinctly Balkan nuance. Klezmer troubadours She'Koyokh spoon out their re-imagined Eastern European folk on 'Esmera Min'.
Kardemimmit's song 'Ahven (Perch)' is played by the fresh folksy kantelequartet from Finland. Cuban son band Sierra Maestra deliver their personal account of the nation's infamous enveloping dance style. Koo Nimo's lilting palm-wine music flies the flag for Ghana and village ensemble Wayo summon the ancient polyrhythms of Africa's newest nation, South Sudan. Yunnanese 'Mountain Men' Shanren close the set with 'Drinking Song' from their new album, which has the UK media hailing them as 'Chinese folk-rockers to watch' (The Guardian).
Riverboat Records would like to take this opportunity to wholeheartedly thank our supporters. Music From The Source is not only a resplendent retrospective but also highlights the breadth of talented artists that have been given an international platform thanks to Riverboat Record's ongoing work since 1989.
Collections: Albums, Best Sellers, CD Releases, Digital Releases, Riverboat Records, Subscription Products, World