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by World Music Network June 26, 2012


Call To Suggestions: A World Of Sport!

In the light of the Olympics this summer, World Music Network is considering a new compilation album; The Rough Guide to A World Of Sport. With nations from all over the world visiting London for the games, and olympicsthe diversity of cultures being celebrated, we thought it a suitable idea to reflect the multicultural spirit of sports with a new sampler album titled The Rough Guide to A World Of Sport.

Tracks featured on the potential album will be world music tracks closely related or inspired by sporting events. An example is the following track about an African football match ‘Tornados vs. Dynamos (3-3)’ by The Real Sounds, which appears on The Rough Guide to African Music for Children


We are open to suggestions regarding what World Music songs to include on the album, so get in touch with any ideas, Do you have for example a favourite calypso song about cricket, a favourite soca about soccer, or a salsa about swimming? To get involved, comment on this story below or post your ideas on our facebook page. So far we have received some great comments and suggestions. We've listened to to each one of them and selected some of our favourite tunes. There are songs on tennis, ping pong, boxing, weightlifting, football... Hope you like it!

 Argentinian Liliana Felipe sings in admiration for tennis player Martina Navratilova in her song 'Navratilova'

 A rap about China's love on Ping Pong in 'China Loves Ping Pong'

 Jamaican reggae artist Dennis Alcapone on Boxing Legend Mohammed Ali in 'Cassius Clay'

Soviet pop icon Vladimir Vysotsky on a 'true Russian Hero' as referred to by Russian president Dmitry Medvedev and prime minister Vladimir Putin. 'Record Cleared (The Weightlifter)' is a tribute to Vasily Alexevev:

Here is a great tune 'Soccer Fan' from Zimbabwian band Real Sounds Of Africa!