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by Bradley Haynes August 08, 2018


Out Of Nations: Quest

Freed from the shackles of defining identity with their homelands, the six members of Out Of Nations each carry a different passport, but share the same musical vision of journeying between cultures.

Out Of Nations is a dream for a future world where humanity comes before nationality. Lety, Jonas, Christian, Ayman, Charis, Fabian and Khalil connected on a musical level before realizing that each one of them carried a different passport. The band breathes new life into familiar genres by playing original, danceable world music rooted in pop, funk & jazz.

The melodies were written between NYC, Cairo, Beirut, and Berlin by Lety, a reeds player and composer born to Egyptian and Mexican immigrant parents in suburban America. Lety was inspired by experiences living in the USA, Europe, and Middle East from 2010-2018 and witnessing global waves of increased xenophobia, border security and violence she viewed as obstacles against people’s ability to travel, live, and think “Out Of Nations”.

She and producer Khalil Chahine developed album tracks that each tell part of a global story of music with a modern sound, taking inspiration from their Arab and Latin heritage and the pop-classic, funk, rock, electronic, and jazz artists that were always spinning in the background.

Live, Out Of Nations invites audiences on a journey through a visual wonderland inspired by Middle Eastern and Latin electro-acoustic grooves. Their show is designed to transport audiences to many places, some with recognizable regional influences and others imaginary, reflecting the creative potential of the human mind when freed from the idea that all people should identify with a certain nation.

The band's futuristic take on world music challenges the normal custom that musicians performing music from non-Western parts of the world emphasize the difference of their home countries through traditional, exotic dress and performance. Out Of Nations instead performs in sleek futuristic garments, reflecting a post-racial, post-national future world.

Fuelled by a global span of influences and inspiration, Out Of Nations is a band that looks to break down the preconceived limitations of music and geography.