Nuru Kane's music, like the Baye Fall clothes he wears, is a patchwork. Exile, Nuru’s third album, charts his experiences living in Europe, far from his Senegalese homeland. Streams of influence from his life in France, his trips to North Africa and his time in urban London run sound. Here, his resonant Moroccan gimbri, along with guitars, kora and calabash, bounce and colour his luxurious deep singing voice.
La musique de Nuru est un patchwork, à l’image des vêtements Baye Fall qu’il porte. Son troisième album Exile retrace ses expériences en Europe, loin de sa patrie, le Sénégal. Il évoque sa vie en France, ses voyages en Amérique du nord et ses séjours à Londres. Son guembri marocain,aux sonorités puissantes, se superpose aux guitares, à la koraet la cabebasse pour colorer sa voix profonde et somptueuse.