On 30 and 31 January, 50 speakers and performers will gather in Oslo as part of the initiative World Woman. The project will consist of talks, debates and performances related to two topics: Freedom & Expression, and Women & Peace. World Woman seeks to amplify the voices of courageous and creative women who defend freedom of expression, campaign for gender equality, peace, justice and human rights. The participants are known and unknown activists, artists, journalists, leaders, policymakers, scholars, and changemakers. Among them are singers and musicians are Marylin Mazur, Mahsa Vahdat, Kamilya Jubran (featured on The Rough Guide To The Music Of Palestine ), Mari Boine, Sister Fa (featured on The Rough Guide To The Music Of Senegal) and John McLaughlin (featured on The Rough Guide To Psychedelic India and Beyond The Ragasphere).
'World Woman is a shared space where we bring extraordinary individuals together, to amplify their voices, and to join them in solidarity with their struggle for a more inclusive and equal world'
The event is organised by Fuuse, an Emmy and Peabody award-winning production company, founded by Norwegian artist and activist Deeyah Khan, who specializes in documentary films, media, the arts and live events. Fuuse is a social purpose company which aims to inspire understanding, empathy and dialogue across cultures and communities, to confront and unpick complex and controversial topics, and shine a light on some of the hardest and most important issues facing us all today. All of their productions, from documentary films, to live events and music recordings, are rooted in the core principles they promote: Human Rights, Gender Equality, Freedom of Expression, Love, Social Justice and Peace.